
More Details About How To Support Lucy

For those of you interested in supporting Lucy at her leave to appeal hearing, please send an email to peter@chimpinvestor.com.

You may also have seen the news (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/lucy-letby-child-court-of-appeal-london-countess-of-chester-hospital-b2512149.html) that Lucy’s leave to appeal hearing is now provisionally listed for 22, 23 and 25 April. Previously it was listed for 25 April and the presumption was that if the leave to appeal application was accepted, the appeal itself would take place at a later date. It now seems that if the application is accepted the appeal will take place immediately, hence the new dates (see article in The Independent).

It is not clear whether this is good or bad news. I’m told the Court of Appeal is a very political institution and they may feel it will be politically expedient to approve the leave to appeal application, then to hear the appeal straight away so it can reject it quickly, hence the extra days being put aside. All over in the space of four days and nobody can accuse them of not having granted an appeal.

I hope I am wrong.

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  1. I find it alarming, if it is true, that the Defence called no expert witness to rebut the prosecution expert evidence, given that several paediatricians have criticised it. This may be because no one suitable could be found, as expert witnesses require some training beyond their clinical practice and there are not many of them, or because no one wanted to take it on. I am not a paediatrician but have some experience as an expert witness.

  2. I find the whole trial alarming.
    An absolute miscarriage of justice.
    The hospital managers, the equipment , staffing ratios, the inevitable high death rate of prem babies and the lack of experienced qualified medical staff to give their opinions for the defense is totally disgusting. My understanding is that they were afraid of losing their careers. Obviously something wrong with our legal system.
    I was a midwife myself working on special care baby units so I do have a little experience. I learnt very quickly that nursing
    Neonates came with very sad outcomes from natural causes
    Very low birth weights unfortunately carry very low survival rate. Lucy Letby does not deserve being locked up.
    She deserves a fair trial with good Defense Lawyers.

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