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Announcing the launch of podcast show We Need To Talk About Lucy Letby

Dr Michael McConville (ret’d) and I are pleased to announce the launch of podcast show We Need To Talk About Lucy Letby

The podcasts are recordings of the two of us in conversation, Michael talking about the medical aspects of the case, me about the statistical aspects, with each of us firing questions at the other. We plan to cover all aspects of the case, from every angle. We hope that the result is something that contains interesting content and gets widespread coverage given the more easily digestible format.

The show has been published on Spotify today but it should appear soon on other streaming platforms. You’ll see that the first four episodes have been posted but there will be more in the coming weeks. Many more.

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One Comment

  1. For the Chimp Investigator

    Hello and thank you for setting up the podcast on the Lucy Letby case. I wrote two articles last year on the questions arising from a critical examination of the case (here is one from September 2023 https://principia-scientific.com/the-lucy-letby-case-a-critical-thinking-approach/) and so was of those questioning the case at an early stage. What you are now doing with Dr Michael McConville in asking questions about the case is extremely valuable. There are also wider questions as to what changes would need to be made to the Justice system to make it more fit for purpose.

    If you would like to appear on my podcast on the People For People Radio on a Sunday evening to discuss anomalies, failures and what a better justice system would look like, please contact me at Truth University, the home of Critical Thinking (www.truthuniversity.co.uk).

    The importance of Critical Thinking cannot be underestimated, with Einstein advocating that we ‘Question Everything’. With this in mind, you may be interested in this interview that I conducted with former doctor, Dr Mark Bailey, on the subject of viruses and his view as to the weakness of the evidence in their favour – here is the link: https://rumble.com/v5al7dx-gloria-moss-with-dr.-mark-bailey-10pm-uk-2-pm-pacific-4-pm-central-5-pm-eas.html?e9s=src_v1_upp).

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